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How To Change Domain Nameservers – GoDaddy

How To Change Domain Nameservers – GoDaddy

This is how you change where your domain's nameservers point to.   Steps: 1. Go to the domain you want to adjust. 2. Click on DNS. 3. Scroll down to the nameserver section. 4. Change them to custom and add the new nameservers.

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How to Forward Domain In GoDaddy

How to Forward Domain In GoDaddy

Search GoDaddy. Log-in and click on your name in the top right corner. Click on Manage Domains. 4.Click on the 3 dots next to the domain name you’d like to forward. Click on Domain Settings. Click on Manage Connection. 7.Click the Edit Icon and insert the domain you’d...

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How To Archive Audiences – Mailchimp

How To Archive Audiences – Mailchimp

Archieving Customer Lists In Mailchip   Here is a video on how to archive customer lists in Mailchimp so that you still have all the data and clients, but they're not comsuming customer records on your limit.

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